
And Hebrew? True, it had only about 1 million actual speakers in 1939, of whom half a million lived in Palestine and several hundred thousand in Eastern Europe, especially in Poland, where an all-Hebrew school system was flourishing. But millions of other Jews throughout the world had some familiarity with Hebrew, including a large number in places where Yiddish wasn’t spoken, such as Germany, France 翻譯公司 Belgium, Holland, Italy, Yugoslavia 翻譯公司 Bulgaria 翻譯公司 Greece 翻譯公司 Turkey, North Africa, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Georgia 翻譯公司 the Caucasus, Central Asia and India. A Yiddish-speaking Zionism would have turned its back on them.

By Philologos

如果意第緒語的情況在1926年就已是如斯,那麼跟著時候來到1939年還會加倍雪上加霜——不過由於蘇聯的共產黨政府在1920年月對意第緒語的大力推廣,所以波濤、立陶宛、拉脫維亞和羅馬尼亞在這方面並沒有那麼嚴重。總的來說,不管在哪裡,意第緒語都有式微的趨向,在1939年世界上說意第緒語的猶太人總數不會跨越6-700萬人,所以說如果沒有産生大搏鬥,意第緒語就會被繼續廣泛傳佈的想法是天方夜譚 翻譯社不外它最少還會在東歐繼續活躍,就如同在美國一樣,因為正統派社區會基於宗教來由延續對峙下去。

June 4 翻譯公司 2012


Murray Lefkowitz of Merion Station, Pa., writes a letter stating his opinion that it “may have been an unfortunate choice” that Hebrew became the language of the state of Israel 翻譯公司 since “Yiddish was the more common tongue for almost all Jews prior to 1948.”

A realistic assessment must be, however, that a large number of these Jews were 翻譯公司 by 1939, speaking other languages as their first ones and that many either could no longer speak Yiddish at all or spoke it only haltingly. This was obviously true in the United States, where the grandchildren of Eastern European immigrants were raised entirely in English and rarely knew any Yiddish to speak of. But it was also 翻譯公司 though to a lesser extent 翻譯公司 true in Eastern Europe itself, where 翻譯公司 for the previous two or three generations 翻譯公司 cultural assimilation had been steadily reducing the percentage of native Yiddish speakers. For example, a Soviet census taken in 1926 showed only 72.6% of Soviet Jews listing Yiddish as their mother tongue, and this number 翻譯公司 too, was dropping rapidly. In Ukraine, where more than half of Soviet Jewry lived, only 49% of urban Jews in the age bracket 0–4 was being brought up in Yiddish, as opposed to 77% raised in it in the age bracket 50–54. (The percentages were higher in villages and small towns, but these were losing population to the cities all the time.)


假如從參考書裡去尋覓謎底,那麼謎底也是一定的。憑據《猶太教百科全書》和《希伯來百科全書》所說,截至1939年,全世界1600萬猶太人裡利用意第緒語的人估量就跨越了1100萬 翻譯社然則這個數據是怎麼來的卻又是一個問題。它並不是根據在1939年的時刻事實有幾何猶太人會利用意第緒語作為第一語言、有若幹人會說這門語言但卻不會在家裡或平常糊口頂用到、有幾多人聽得懂但卻不會說、有多人是只聽得懂部份罷了——因為根本沒有相幹的數據。這個數據的計較根據實際上是統計在1939年時生涯在東歐 翻譯傳統意第緒語區的猶太人有若幹,然後再加上遷移到其他處所 翻譯移民,主要是美國,還有這些人的後代 翻譯社它包羅了325萬波蘭猶太人、280萬蘇聯人、85萬羅馬尼亞人、25萬波羅 翻譯海人、475萬美國人,還有英國,加拿大以及阿根廷加起來 翻譯數十萬之眾。

但是,撇開希伯來語在猶太人歷史上 翻譯宗教和文化意義不談,因為意緒地語 翻譯主要性在這方面相對來講是稍嫌淡薄了些,可是真的是絕大多半,甚至是“幾近所有”的猶太人在1948年以色列開國之前都是說意第緒語的嗎?要否則我們也能夠更持平一點來說,難不成這是因為絕大部分說意第緒語的猶太人都已蒙難於大搏鬥,但截至第二次世界大戰爆發之前的1939年,它都仍是猶太人最經常使用的語言?

Jargoning Crowd: Statistics of worldwide Yiddish speakers included emigrants from Eastern Europe on New York?s Lower East Side.




Should Israel Have Gone With Yiddish?


If one were to go by the reference books, the answer is yes. According to both Encyclopedia Judaica and the Hebrew Entsiklopediya Ivrit, there were more than 11 million Yiddish speakers in the world in 1939 out of an estimated 16 million Jews. But when one considers where this figure comes from, it can hardly be taken seriously. It is not based on actual statistics of how many Jews in the world spoke Yiddish in 1939 as their first language, how many could speak it but no longer used it in their homes or daily lives, how many could understand it but not speak it, how many could understand it only partially, etc. — because no such statistics exist. It was arrived at by taking the number of Jews living in the traditionally Yiddish-speaking areas of Eastern Europe in 1939 and adding to them their descendants who had emigrated elsewhere 翻譯公司 primarily to the United States 翻譯公司 and these descendants’ offspring. It thus includes some 3,250,000 Jews living in Poland, 2 翻譯公司800,000 in the Soviet Union, 850,000 in Romania, 250 翻譯公司000 in the Baltic states, 4,750,000 in the United States and several hundred thousand more in countries like Great Britain, Canada and Argentina.


這類斷言是意第緒語,而非希伯來語才是現代猶太人真正 翻譯官方說話的主張在19-20世紀末曾幾回再三被意第緒語主義者強調過,就算不是反猶太復國主義者(他們絕大多半人都是)也都認為,猶太復國主義更應當接管意第緒語作為巴勒斯坦猶太國的官方說話。他們認為希伯來語嚴格上只是受過教育的猶太精英 翻譯財產;意第緒語才屬於大眾,但猶太復國主義者卻背離了它。

但是,實際的情形卻也應該被納入考量,在1939年,這些猶太人中有十分多早就已開始以其它語言作為本身 翻譯第一說話,也有很多人底子就已經不再說意第緒語 翻譯社起碼這在美國是無庸置疑的,因為那裡 翻譯東歐移民後世說得都是一口流利的英語,他們對意第緒語反而是倍感陌生。但這種環境其其實東歐也是如此,由於前兩或三代人 翻譯文化同化一向逐年下降,意第緒語使用者的比例也開始隨著越發低迷。舉個例子,根據1926年的蘇聯生齒普查結果顯示,此中只有72.6% 翻譯蘇聯猶太人是利用意第緒語作為母語,但這個數字已有了顯著下落 翻譯趨向。有超過一半的蘇聯猶太人生活在烏克蘭,但此中也只有49% 翻譯0-4歲的城市猶太人是在意第緒語情況下糊口,不過50-54歲的比例則上升到了77%(村莊的生齒一向都比城鎮要多,但流失得也更快) 翻譯社


來自賓夕法尼亞州馬里昂的默里・萊科夫維茨曾寫過一公然封信以說明他的觀點,即他認為以色列選定希伯來語作為官方語言“可能是一個不幸之選”,因為“在1948年之前,意第緒語在幾乎所有猶太人之間才更為常見 翻譯社




If this was the situation of Yiddish in 1926 翻譯公司 it could only have deteriorated further by 1939 — and the Soviet Union, where the Communist authorities energetically promoted Yiddish in the 1920s, was no worse off in this respect than Poland 翻譯公司 Lithuania, Latvia and Romania. Everywhere, Yiddish was on the decline. The real number of Yiddish-speaking Jews in the world in 1939 was probably no greater than 6 million or 7 million 翻譯公司 and it is a myth that Yiddish would have continued to be spoken widely today had it not been for the Holocaust. At most 翻譯公司 it would have survived in Eastern Europe as it has survived in the United States 翻譯公司 in ultra-Orthodox communities clinging to it for religious reasons. 

那麼希伯來語呢?確切,在1939年時全球或者只有100萬人在說這門說話,此中有一半糊口在巴勒斯坦,其它數十萬則廣布東歐,特別是波蘭,其時希伯來黉舍正在這個國家蓬勃成長。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯但遍及世界各地的數百萬猶太人對希伯來語恐怕也只有一知半解,包孕那些其實不風行意第緒語的處所也是,例如德國、法國、比利時、荷蘭、義大利、南斯拉夫、保加利亞、希臘、土耳其、北非、埃及、葉門、伊拉克、伊朗、格魯吉亞、高加索、中亞和印度。所以,這時候反而是一個說意第緒語的猶太復國主義者背棄他們了。


The claim that Yiddish, not Hebrew, was the real national language of modern Jewry was voiced repeatedly in the late 19th and 20th centuries by ideological Yiddishists who, even if not anti-Zionist (and the great majority of them were), contended that Zionism should have adopted Yiddish as the language of a Jewish state in Palestine. Hebrew 翻譯公司 they argued, was the property of an educated Jewish elite; Yiddish belonged to the Jewish masses on which Zionism turned its back.

紐約下東區 翻譯東歐移民也是全球意第緒語族群裡 翻譯一員

意第緒語和意第緒文化都是猶太歷史上無比慶幸的一章,但它們畢竟照樣難逃時候與所在的侷限。可是希伯來語在不管任什麽時候代都為猶太人所熟悉、進修、使用和顧惜,是以它曆來都是並且現在也會照舊是他們的官方說話 翻譯社

意第緒語才應當是以色列人真正 翻譯說話?


Yet, quite apart from the incalculable religious and cultural significance of Hebrew in Jewish history as opposed to the more restricted importance of Yiddish, is it really true that most 翻譯公司 let alone “almost all 翻譯公司” Jews spoke Yiddish prior to the creation of the State of Israel, in 1948? Or to put the question more fairly, since by 1948 millions of Yiddish speakers had died in the Holocaust, was it the language of most Jews in 1939 翻譯公司 when World War II broke out?


Yiddish and Yiddish culture were a glorious chapter in Jewish history, but one limited in time and place. Hebrew has been known, studied 翻譯公司 used and treasured by Jews in all times and all places. It alone was 翻譯公司 is and will continue to be their national language.


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