We greatly appreciate your willingness to accept the document discrepancy of L/C. However翻譯社 according to the banking procedure, such a discrepancy will definitely result in related penalty charge when negotiating the L/C. In addition, if the said discrepancy causes your L/C payment delay, we will surely suffer a great loss of interest.
問題 (二)
本月我有一批貨出到義大利,是以信用狀付款的,在上週押匯。成效今天開狀銀行通知信譽狀有瑕疪,因為 B/L 海運提單將卸貨港寫為 MILAN ( 米蘭 )。對方銀行回覆 MILAN 不是一個港口,是以判定文件有瑕疪翻譯台灣的押匯銀行建議我們請客人接管瑕疪,因為即便重新供給文件,對方銀行也未必會接受,文件寄來寄去也是費用,不如就付瑕疵費。華頓翻譯公司想請問:我該如何寫信跟客戶說,請他接管此瑕疪呢?
AYA 答覆:
哈哈 ! 今天 AYA 也恰好碰著類似的狀態,客人的信譽狀上面 Loading Port ( 裝貨港 ) 那一欄只寫 Taiwan,我請他改為 Any Taiwan Port,客人反駁說,寫 Taiwan 就代表全部台灣了,所以不消點竄。AYA 跟他強調 :Taiwan is a country, not a port翻譯社 please be sure to amend it, we insist. 然後把讀者所述的米蘭案例提出來,重申一下這個有例可循,不改可是會被銀行抓瑕疵的喔 !
其實銀行抓瑕疵是屢見不鮮,重要的是客人是不是要這批貨?還有要觀測比來市場代價是否有嚴重波動 ( 例如巨幅降價 ),這時比較輕易産生毀單事宜。
Regarding L/C (No. 01CR3119/4031693), we received the discrepancy notice from your bank today.
They said翻譯社 “On the B/L, the
Since this is just a slight description flaw in the L/C terms, to save time, energy, and money of both parties in sending back and forth the amended documents翻譯社 we sincerely suggest you accept it because it really has nothing to do with any breach of the actual product quality or related import regulations.
Therefore, please inform your bank of such a discrepancy acceptance and execute the L/C payment at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Based on our company policy, regarding any discrepancies foreseen between the L/C terms and required documents, we are not obligated to take risks of any extra / penalty fees. Therefore翻譯社 we, as a supportive partner, sincerely hope to have your L/C terms amendment in view of indeed mutual benefits. Thanks for your understanding.
本文來自: http://blog.sina.com.tw/aya_trade/article.php?entryid=598707有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢華頓翻譯公司02-77260932