例句:Staff report by the end of this week and prepare for the next press conference on 6/11. 員工需在週五前繳交呈報。準備6/11的記者會。例如:After discussion翻譯社 members agreed. 會商後,全體出席者贊成。

1. discussion/topics: 記實會上計議的事項與主題。
3. actions by whom: 列出與會人員所需履行的各事項翻譯
4. bullet points: 點列式來記實,內容需簡潔而清晰且不需寫出完整的英詞句子。
2. resolution: 經由過程的抉擇。1. Date:(開會)日期翻譯
2. scheduled starting time:預計起頭時間。
5. place:所在翻譯
6. minutes taker:會議紀錄,或是note taker,而不是recorder。
9. discussion/topics:評論辯論主題,此項目視會議環境也可用announcements 報告事項。
3. actual starting time:現實起頭時候。
7. members in attendance:出席者,或是用present。

4. meeting end time:會議竣事時間。
8. regrets:沒法出席者用,也可以說是apologies for absence。
例句:Chief executive recommends: the organization stay where in the current location over the winter if not being able to find new facility by the end of this month? 履行長提出建議:若是月底前找不到新裝備,本季是否繼續待在公司舊址?