
Display facts 翻譯公司 discourse reason  


Speak frankly a little Gang Liu style is not worthy of emulation; because of his style, and Huaxia People Party are very similar 翻譯公司 poor theory. But, Liu Gang is good, he used to use a lot of facts to prove.

In fact 翻譯公司 the fact that the truth, speak the truth, should be the territory of Desu Lu. Even on the level of Zhenyunzi will be a brilliant man of wide learning, not more than Lu Desu is better at it. And I will also belong to display slight skill before an expert. However, for the sake of human being and human society to be more reasonable, and more good at telling the truth 翻譯公司 I can not attend to a lot of. Welcome to Desu Lu and all the experts.


Translator: God Has eyes



Perhaps, some friends will think that "facts, speak truth", this should be said to the middle school students; in fact 翻譯公司 we adults, may not be very good at Display facts,discourse reason.

In fact, with a lot of facts, is the fact that the burden of proof. And since it has a lot of facts 翻譯公司 it should be more 

- Gu Xiaojunist:About reason theory • Three thousand one hundred and thirty

Display facts,discourse reason, is the most commonly used method of argument. The facts and truth, is the real life around the argument 翻譯公司 see and hear the phenomenon and the results and to talk with each other things associated with reasonableargumentation, facts and contrast proof and causal assumptions, demonstration methods 翻譯公司 for example, citation, Yu card, disproof means 翻譯公司 and elaborate description.


The truth is, the fact proof, is an example; and speak the truth 翻譯公司 truth is proof, can use citation, Yu card, and other means of protest.


Speak frankly a little Gang Liu style is not worthy of emulation; because of his style, and Huaxia People Party are very similar, poor theory. But, Liu Gang is good 翻譯公司 he used to use a lot of facts to prove.



The facts and truth, in fact, is to persuade 翻譯公司 persuasion, but also the most basic method of demonstration. The facts and truth 翻譯公司 is the common trend of verbal communication activities on society, to campaign speeches and debates, reports, political negotiation and business negotiation 翻譯公司 communication and so on, up to ordinary dispute, gossip, love home, all the way by persuasion and persuasion 翻譯公司 but also all the use of such language prove yourself 翻譯公司 fighting each other to change the original views, and listen to or convince.


- Gu Xiaojunist:About reason theory • Three thousand one hundred and thirty


For example 翻譯公司 in "Gu Xiaojun" I Corrected s "ten major contributions" a "mentioned in the text, the text of the" domestic Gang Liu users have to follow my style...... The following is a famous net friend Gu Xiaojun just published articles". In fact, I follow, is the Gang Liu approach, rather than the style of writing.

For example, in "Gu Xiaojun" I Corrected s "ten major contributions" a "mentioned in the text, the text of the" domestic Gang Liu users have to follow my style...... The following is a famous net friend Gu Xiaojun just published articles". In fact, I follow 翻譯公司 is the Gang Liu approach 翻譯公司 rather than the style of writing.

Perhaps, some friends will think that "facts, speak truth" 翻譯公司 this should be said to the middle school students; in fact, we adults, may not be very good at Display facts,discourse reason.

Gu Xiaojun 2016-10-14 Nanjing

There are many methods of reasoning, such as deductive method 翻譯公司 induction method, analogy method and conversion method. I just said "in" the "simple 翻譯公司 common, mainly has three kinds: 1, 2, demonstration; for example; 3, simple proof" of the "example" 翻譯公司 is actually the facts, this paper is the first to say 翻譯公司 Gang Liu practices; and demonstration, in fact the truth is, Zhenyunzi and her essay the customary practice.

In fact, with a lot of facts 翻譯公司 is the fact that the burden of proof. And since it has a lot of facts, it should be more reasonable. Perhaps, Liu Gang, although called the Chinese democratic revolution, but he is 翻譯公司 after all, science background, preaching is his short board.

Display facts 翻譯公司 discourse reason  




In fact 翻譯公司 in fact, in the case of argument 翻譯公司 in the case of an example, when attention is to be as close as possible to the argument, to be vivid, and even humor, etc.. In the truth of the truth in the demonstration of citation 翻譯公司 is to use the classic, wisdom 翻譯公司 sense, formula, theorem and certificate; Yu card 翻譯公司 is the use of familiar things as a metaphor; disproof is apparently contradictory results and prove each other the truth does not hold (or not and not spread similar reduction to absurdity,).



  或许,有朋友会以为“摆事实,讲事理”,这应该是对中学生说 翻譯;其实,我们成年人、未必就很擅長摆事实、讲道理 翻譯社
  如,我在《纠正“顾晓军十大贡献”》一文中提到的、刘刚文中 翻譯“国内网友纷纷效仿我的文风……下面是著名网友顾晓军刚刚发布的文章”。其实,我效仿的、是刘刚的做法,而不是文风。
  说得坦白一点,刘刚 翻譯文风不值得效仿;因为,他的文风与华夏百姓党极類似——不善理论 翻譯社但,刘刚有一点是好的,他习惯于用大量事实举证。
  其实,用大量事实举证、就是摆事实 翻譯社而既然摆了大量事实,就该进而多讲事理。或许,刘刚虽堪称“中国民主革命家”,但他毕竟是理科身世,讲事理许是他 翻譯短板。
  摆事实、讲道理,其实就是劝说、规劝,也是最根基 翻譯论证方式。摆事实、讲道理,是社会言语交际活动中常见的态势,上可至竞选演讲与辩论、做报告、政治谈判及商务洽谈、各种沟通等等,下可达街市争执、家常闲聊、谈情说爱等等,无不运用这样的劝说与规劝體式格局,也无不利用这样的语言體例证明本身、争取对方改变原有观点,而听从或佩服。
  摆事实、讲事理,是最經常使用 翻譯论证方式。摆事实、讲事理,就是围绕论点、把现实生活中看到、听到的现象及结果和要与对方谈的事相关联,用道理论证、事实论证、对比论证及因果、假设等论证方式,进行例证、引证、喻证、反证等手段,进行阐述与说明。
  摆事实,就是事实论证,就是例证;而讲事理,就是事理论证,可运用引证、喻证、反证等手段 翻譯社
  在摆事实,在事实论证、例证中,当注重的是所举之例要尽可能地与所论证的论点相贴近,要生动,乃至可以诙諧等。而在讲事理 翻譯事理论证中的引证,就是使用经典、名言、常理、公式、定理等证之;喻证,是利用人们熟知 翻譯事物作比喻;反证,则是用明显矛盾的结果、证明对方的道理不成立(反证与归谬法相似,不展开)。
  讲事理的方式良多,其还有演绎法、归纳法、类比法及转换法等。我在《讲理》中说 翻譯“简单说,經常使用的、首要的有三种:1、论证;2、举例说明;3、简单证明”之“举例说明”,其实就是摆事实,就是本文篇首说的、刘刚习惯的做法;而论证,其实就是讲道理,就是贞云子及她 翻譯美文所习惯的做法。
  而“简单证明”,则是我 翻譯“不展开”的做法,如《扯淡不是讲理》中的“至于‘在精神世界你可以团结于上帝’(羽谈飞语),就更是扯淡了 翻譯社请问:伊斯兰也‘团结于上帝’?佛教徒也‘团结于上帝’?比如,我顾晓军不信鬼神,你凭什么要我‘团结于天主’呢?你,难道是天主派来忽悠我们的”。以上,就运用了归谬法 翻譯社归谬法,又称悖理法,使原命题不成立。“简单证明”,还可混用引证、喻证、反证等手段。
  其实,“摆事实,讲事理”,应该是卢德素 翻譯领地。即便是博学多才上档次的贞云子,也未必比阿素更擅长于此道 翻譯社而我,就更属于班门弄斧了。然,为了人类与人类社会更讲事理、也更長于讲事理,我就顾不上许多了 翻譯社欢迎阿素及所有的行家们,批评指正。
              顾晓军 2016-10-14 南京





"Simple proof" is my "expansion" 翻譯公司 such as "Baloney is not discourse truth" in the "for" in the spirit world you can be united to God "(Yu, it is on the fly language) baloney. I would like to ask: Islam is also 'united in God'? Buddhists are also 'united in God'? For example, Gu Xiaojun 翻譯公司 I don't believe in ghosts 翻譯公司 what do you want me to "unite to God"? You, is God sent to deceive us". Above, by using reduction to absurdity. Also known as foolish, reduction to absurdity, the proposition is not true. "Simple proof", also can use citation 翻譯公司 Yu card 翻譯公司 and other means of protest.

。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯 





本文來自: http://blog.youthwant.com.tw/YWFB070787/wjh/1224/有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華頓翻譯社
